About Me
An Experienced Consultant
and Analyst
Jean is a seasoned consultant and analyst with 20 years of experience in the technologies of the Semantic Web, open and closed data, and the management of controlled vocabularies and knowledge graphs.
Jean was co-founder and CEO of the French company Mondeca, a pioneer in Semantic Web technologies.
Jean contributes to projects in various areas (legislation, healthcare, culture, security, science, energy), defining data and knowledge-driven strategies, designing ontologies, advising on the management and distribution of open data, and writing specifications.
His expertise includes the Semantic Web, knowledge engineering, the management of taxonomies and knowledge graphs, and automated knowledge acquisition.
Jean has operational experience with a variety of standards: RDF, OWL, FRBR, DC, BIBO, CIDOC-CRM, SKOS, ORG, DCAT, DC, PROV, QB, XML
Research Projects
DOREMUS/ANR 2014-2019 : Expansion of FRBRoo ontologies for the representation of works of music, their interpretation, and associated events. The project enabled the creation of an open musical knowledge graph that integrates and links data from the Paris Philharmonic, the French National Library and Radio France, as well as the creation of recommendation services.
DataLift/ANR 2010-2013 : Tools and methodologies for facilitating data publishing in Linked Open Data formats
Professional Committees and Groups
Since 2016 > Co-organizer of Meetup Paris, web of data
Since 2015 > Open Law France, founding member and director
Since 2011 > SemWeb.pro Program Committee, organized by Logilab
Articles for International Conferences
- M. Achichi, P. Lisena, K. Todorov, R. Troncy, J. Delahousse, “DOREMUS: A Graph of Linked Musical Works,” in D. Vrandečić et al. (eds.), The Semantic Web – ISWC 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11137. Springer, Cham
- Jean Delahousse, Infeurope, Johan de Smedt, TenForce, Agis Papantoniou, TenForce, “PROV-O Profile Creation for Describing and Tracking Editorial Actions on Controlled Vocabularies,” NKOS 2014, London
- P.-Y. Vandenbussche, S. Cormont, C. André, C. Daniel, J. Delahousse, J. Charlet, E. Lepage, “Implementation and Management of a Biomedical Observation Dictionary in a Large Healthcare Information System,” J Am Med Inform Assoc. May 1, 2013
- S. Cormont (AP-HP), P. Vandenbussche (INSERM UMRS 872), A. Buemi (AP-HP), J. Delahousse (Mondeca), E. Lepage (AP-HP), J. Charlet (INSERM UMRS 87), “Implementation of a Platform Dedicated to the Biomedical Analysis Terminologies Management,” AMIA 2011
- S. Darmoni, M. Joubert, B. Dahamna, J. Delahousse, M. Fieschi, “SMTS®: A French Health Multi-terminology Server,” Proc. AMIA 2009: 808.
- Jean Charlet, Sylvie Szulman, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Adeline Nazarenko, Nathalie Hernandez, Nadia Nadah, Éric Sardet, Jean Delahousse, Guy Pierra, “Apport des outils de TAL à la construction d’ontologies: propositions au sein de la plateforme DaFOE,” TALN 2009, Senlis, June 24–26, 2009
- Jean Delahousse, Johan De Smedt, Luc Six, Bernard Vatant, “Use of Ontology for Production of Access Systems on Legislation, Jurisprudence and Comments,” Semtech 2008, San Jose
- J. Delahousse, “Semantic Web Usecase: An Application for Sustainable Tourism Development,” OntoWeb, September 2003.
- Jean Delahousse, “Dynamic Publication Through Content Structure Management Tools”
- Jean Delahousse – XML Europe 2002 – Barcelona, May 2002
- J. Delahousse, “Index and Knowledge Drawing: A Natural Bridge from Topic Maps to XML SVG,” in Proceedings of XML USA 2001, Orlando, December 2001
- Jean Delahousse and Pascal Auillans, “Knowledge Index Manager,” Graph Drawing 9th International Symposium, GD 2001 Vienna, Austria, September 23–26, 2001
Articles for French Conferences
- M. Joubert, P.-Y. Vandenbussche, B. Dahamna, J. Delahousse, S. Darmoni, M. Fieschi, “A Multi-Terminology Healthcare Server,” in Proceedings of the workshop “Medical Semantic Web” (WSM’10), held with the 21st French Knowledge Management Conference (IC’10), Nîmes, France, June 2010
- Sylvie Szulman, Jean Charlet, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Adeline Nazarenko, Nathalie Hernandez, Nadia Nada, Eric Sardet, Jean Delahousse, H.V. Teguiak, “Dafoe: A Multi-method and Multi-model Platform for Building Domain Ontologies (Demonstration),” in Marie-Odile Cordier, Jean-Michel Jolion (eds.), Congrès Francophone de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA 2010), Caen (France), 19/01/2010-22/01/2010, University of Caen, p. 1-2, January 2010.
- Jean Charlet, Sylvie Szulman, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Adeline Nazarenko, Nathalie Hernandez, Nadia Nada, Eric Sardet, Jean Delahousse, H.V. Teguiak, “Dafoe: An Ontology Building Platform From Texts or Thesauri (poster),” in Conférence Internationale sur la Terminologie et l’Intelligence Artificielle (TIA 2009), Toulouse (France), 11/18/2009-11/19/2009
- M. Joubert, B. Dahamna, J. Delahousse, M. Fieschi, SJ. Darmoni, “SMTS®: A Multi-Terminology Healthcare Server," in JFIM 2009, Springer, Informatique et Santé 17
- Jean Charlet, Sylvie Szulman, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, Adeline Nazarenko, Nathalie Hernandez, Nadia Nada, Eric Sardet, Jean Delahousse, Guy Pierra, “Contribution of TAL Tools for Building Ontologies: Proposals for the DaFOE Platform (Poster),” in Fabien Gandon (ed.), Journées Francophones d’Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC 2009), Hammamet, 05/25/2009-05/29/2009, INRIA, May 2009.
- J. Delahousse, “Cartography and Ontology: Genericness, Reusability and Specificity,” in Actes du colloque Carto 2.0, Paris, 2008, pp. 78-89.